Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Use Horse Training Thinking To Solve Dang Near Any Problem With A Horse

Horse training can be a relatively mysterious subject to people who have not studied it. Even more mysterious is a behavioral problem a horse has that causes his owner stress and frustration.

What many horse owners don't understand is often the handler, not the horse, is causing the problem.

That being said, that is the first consideration in unscrambling the horse's ill behavior.

For instance, a common problem riders have is a horse being spooky. In layman's terms, that means a horse is nervous and afraid something is going to "get him". Thus, whenever the horse and owner go for a ride it's not usually a relaxing moment.

As a matter of fact, both horse and rider are on edge.

So if we take the premise that the rider is causing the horse to spook, then we must ask, "How is the rider causing this."

An uninformed rider may not be aware that perhaps he is sitting tensely in the saddle. Also, maybe he's stiff as a board and has a white-knuckle hold on the reins.

Believe it or not, the horse can sense and feel this tense. When the horse is in the habit of feeling it then the horse's spookiness is also the rider's.

Picture it like this. Two deathly scared kids are walking home at night. They both hear sounds and see things. One kid thinks he saw something and nervously asks, "D-d-d-did you see that?" Seconds later the other kid hears something and cries, "D-d-did you h-h-hear that?" Together they intensify each other's fears and their anxiety grows leaps and bounds.

So it is with the rider and horse. Maybe not to that extent, but still it happens.

And since the rider is human and capable of reasoning, then he or she must be the one to interrupt the pattern of behavior. The rider must loosen up while in the saddle. Relax. Have fun. Learn to watch the horse's signals that he has spotted something - and then talk to the horse and start giving him confidence.

Soon, the horse's demeanor will change and the result will be a more relaxed, fun to ride horse.

Whether the rider realizes it or not, he or she is training the horse by just riding. The horse simply reacts to the stimuli he gets. If the stimuli is consistent, the horse's reaction will become a habit until changed. If the stimuli is tense, causes fear reactions, and so on, the result is a spooky horse.

This is but one example of how us humans can actually be the reason the horse does or does not do something we ask of him. Although it's true that the rider is not the cause 100% of the time, it's a good place to start untangling the problem because it's often where it begins.

Rider Fitness - Targeted for Equestrians   How To Use Horse Training Thinking To Solve Dang Near Any Problem With A Horse   

Being A Mother And Enjoying Life?

Ever feel like you're being pulled in all directions at the same time? "That's what being a mother is", I've been told. Since returning to work after my son was born... I have fallen victim to the mother trap of feeling guilty about everything I do, don't do and want to do. That is not to say that my husband puts that guilt on me, not at all. He is great with our son and never has a problem with me going and doing 'my own thing" be it swimming, dinner with the girls or simply grocery shopping. That still does not take away from the fact that their is housework to do, a toddler to take care of and play with, and a job to go to.

The previous generation was that of women who did it all! They worked out of the house, took care of the family and house, and still seemed to have time for their own friends and activities, enjoying every minute... or did they?

Do you know how much sick time and stress leave has occurred simply because we expect too much from ourselves? In the last decade or so the trend does seem to be changing, I don't know if Oprah was the first or not to say publicly that Mothers in particular need to learn how to say "No" and take time for themselves... and not feel guilty about it!!! that is the key, not feeling guilty about it.

I've asked different mothers and observed others as well. I have seen that the ones who go for dinner with friends once a month, or play volleyball weekly, or have some sort of activity they are involved in that is only for them, these mothers are the ones who seem much more relaxed. Hmmm, must be something to it! In conversation with these women, you find that the wash may not be folded yet, or the dishwasher hasn't ran yet, or that they have a housecleaning service come in once or twice a month! Basically, they are not stressing or feeling guilty that those little things are not done.

So here it is, once again, because we have all heard this. Don't sweat the small stuff! Learn to enjoy those times you have for yourself. Yes you are a mother, that does not mean that you are a slave to the kitchen, laundry room or to your job outside of the house if you have one. Take the time to enjoy your family, friends and life, don't worry about the rest. Enjoy being a mother.

A Little Girl, Mother Daughter Relationship   Are You A Helicopter Parent?   Wanted Mom   Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   

What Makes The Best Breast Pump?

Examining the level of convenience that electric breast pumps offer moms, you may think that selecting one will be rather simple. Nonetheless, this is a huge misconception among first-time moms and it is just later when they recognize how tough of a choice it can be.

The manual pumps are easy to use and don't need electricity or batteries to utilize them. For that reason, this pump can be used anywhere. It is also lightweight and effortless to carry around in your purse, tote bag, or baby diaper bag. The hand-operated pump is best for mothers who only need to pump every once in awhile. Look into our manual breast pump evaluation page for more info on hand-operated breast pumps.

If you are an individual who is buying an electric breast pump for the 1st time or just thinking about purchasing a newer and far better one, remember these 5 elements that must help you make the right choice with ease.

While this must be you really 1st consideration, it is very important that you need to recognize exactly what and why you will require a breast pump first. You might have the cash to purchase an elegant electric pump however if you have no use of its functions, you will only be wasting big time and funds.

Contemplate exactly how much you will precisely spend for such tool, and then have a look at all its possibilities while even remembering you address the four initial questions above.

Even if you can conveniently spend lots of dollars, it might be bad wasting money for something that you do not really need. Spend some time reading some reviews of electric powered pumps that you like, identify their pros and disadvantages. If a large portion of consumers have actually said positive things about a particular breast pump, then there is a big possibility that it may do the exact same wonders for you.

Brand is an element that could be important to determine how excellent a particular item is. If it is something that is very known and suggested by respectable individuals and organizations, acquiring them should in some way provide you some reassurance. Nevertheless, you should not enable yourself to be easily influenced by brands. If it comes with a budget friendly price, holds attributes that you want, and have some great evaluations, do not wait to try it out, regardless of its brand.

Look for electric pumps that offer extra attributes and functions such as container stands, microwaveable pouches, bags, and car adaptors. Just keep in mind that not all extra features can easily relate to a good purchase.

A Little Girl, Mother Daughter Relationship   Are You A Helicopter Parent?   Wanted Mom   Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   What Kind of Flowers Should I Give My Mum on Mother's Day?   

Fujifilm FinePix A303 Digital Camera

Two years ago I purchased my first digital camera. At that time, prices for a 3.0 and higher mega pixel camera were around $350. Since then, as with all electronic gadgets, prices have dropped significantly while the mega pixels have gone up. I chose the Fujifilm's A303 digital camera, which has fared well for me, so permit me the opportunity to tell you why.

I desperately needed a digital camera when my web business took off. On many different occasions I found myself wanting to take a picture of a person, place or thing and having to rely on a 35mm camera. Trouble was I wasn't very good at taking pictures. Usually my subject came out blurry or the picture needed cropping. Yes, getting pictures developed on disk would have resolved the latter problem, but it was the former problem -- blurry pictures -- that was causing me the most grief. If only I could see "on the spot" how my picture turned out. If it turned out poorly, I could reshoot. Naturally, a digital camera presented to me something that no 35mm camera could offer; I made the purchase of a 3.2 mega pixel camera by Fujifilm after considerable shopping around and reading product reviews online.

Packed within a tough grey shell, the A303 is lightweight and can fit easily into your pant pockets. The camera's controls are simple to figure out and include a Menu/OK button, Back button, viewfinder, viewfinder lamp, a display buttion and LCD monitor to preview pictures without looking through the viewfinder or to review pictures already taken. A round dial in the back of the camera features a self timer mode where you can set the camera and ten seconds later have the picture go off. Great for when you want to get the entire family's picture and no one is around to take it. There are also close up modes, still image, playback and movie modes. The movie mode results in a fairly choppy and short film, but it is a neat feature to have nevertheless.

The standard camera comes equipped with a 16mb picture card. Most people will find that inadequate, so I paid a little bit extra and bought the 64mb upgrade. I also purchased rechargeable AA batteries -- it takes two -- and a recharger. You will sap your batteries quickly if you take 30-40 or more pictures at a time, so the recharger makes sense. I purchased the accompanying Fujifilm carrying case to house my other supplies.

Pictures come out clear and in two years of picture taking I have not experienced a single problem with the camera. At 3.2 mega pixels the pictures are more than adequate as virtually everything I do gets posted to the internet. Supposedly you do not need more mega pixels when posting/viewing pictures online. With the included USB cable and HP software, you will be uploading pictures to the internet in no time.

If there are any drawbacks with the A303 there is just one and it is a glaring problem: the time between shots can seem endless! I suppose the elapsed time is only about ten seconds, but it seems like an eternity especially compared to 35mm cameras. Technological improvements have closed the gap considerably with newer models, but if you need this camera to take a group of shots quickly you will be disappointed.

All in all, the A303 is a very good camera. I give it a 4-star rating for ease of use, price, and dependability.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

Fujifilm FinePix A303 Digital Camera

Two years ago I purchased my first digital camera. At that time, prices for a 3.0 and higher mega pixel camera were around $350. Since then, as with all electronic gadgets, prices have dropped significantly while the mega pixels have gone up. I chose the Fujifilm's A303 digital camera, which has fared well for me, so permit me the opportunity to tell you why.

I desperately needed a digital camera when my web business took off. On many different occasions I found myself wanting to take a picture of a person, place or thing and having to rely on a 35mm camera. Trouble was I wasn't very good at taking pictures. Usually my subject came out blurry or the picture needed cropping. Yes, getting pictures developed on disk would have resolved the latter problem, but it was the former problem -- blurry pictures -- that was causing me the most grief. If only I could see "on the spot" how my picture turned out. If it turned out poorly, I could reshoot. Naturally, a digital camera presented to me something that no 35mm camera could offer; I made the purchase of a 3.2 mega pixel camera by Fujifilm after considerable shopping around and reading product reviews online.

Packed within a tough grey shell, the A303 is lightweight and can fit easily into your pant pockets. The camera's controls are simple to figure out and include a Menu/OK button, Back button, viewfinder, viewfinder lamp, a display buttion and LCD monitor to preview pictures without looking through the viewfinder or to review pictures already taken. A round dial in the back of the camera features a self timer mode where you can set the camera and ten seconds later have the picture go off. Great for when you want to get the entire family's picture and no one is around to take it. There are also close up modes, still image, playback and movie modes. The movie mode results in a fairly choppy and short film, but it is a neat feature to have nevertheless.

The standard camera comes equipped with a 16mb picture card. Most people will find that inadequate, so I paid a little bit extra and bought the 64mb upgrade. I also purchased rechargeable AA batteries -- it takes two -- and a recharger. You will sap your batteries quickly if you take 30-40 or more pictures at a time, so the recharger makes sense. I purchased the accompanying Fujifilm carrying case to house my other supplies.

Pictures come out clear and in two years of picture taking I have not experienced a single problem with the camera. At 3.2 mega pixels the pictures are more than adequate as virtually everything I do gets posted to the internet. Supposedly you do not need more mega pixels when posting/viewing pictures online. With the included USB cable and HP software, you will be uploading pictures to the internet in no time.

If there are any drawbacks with the A303 there is just one and it is a glaring problem: the time between shots can seem endless! I suppose the elapsed time is only about ten seconds, but it seems like an eternity especially compared to 35mm cameras. Technological improvements have closed the gap considerably with newer models, but if you need this camera to take a group of shots quickly you will be disappointed.

All in all, the A303 is a very good camera. I give it a 4-star rating for ease of use, price, and dependability.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

Review of Apple iPod Speakers

The Apple iPod is by far the most popular portable digital music player in the world. As such, there are many accessories out there that can improve the iPod experience for certain users. Those that would like to hook up their iPod to real speakers (or those who are simply tired of headphones) have plenty of choices. Below you will find a few of our top picks for best Apple iPod speaker systems.

Logic3 I-Station iPod Dock and Speaker Station

Manufacturers Description: Listen, recharge, and synchronize your iPod or iPod Mini with the Logic3 i-Station docking connector. The i-Station produces hi-fi-quality sound by combining a subwoofer, dynamic tweeter speakers, and a 3D surround sound processor. Connecting your iPod to the i-Station is easy--just fit the iPod into the slot and away you go. The dock even recharges the iPod battery while it plays, letting you enjoy the music rather than worrying about the remaining battery power.

The i-Station's stylish design and compact size (it weighs only .88 pounds) lets this ultra-portable device fit unobtrusively in any room in your house while also stowing away easily. The unit is powered either by the supplied AC adaptor or four optional AA batteries, allowing listeners to use the device wherever they choose. The compact design even invites listeners to pack the device in a briefcase, backpack, or suitcase. The i-Station synchronizes with a PC or Mac via USB or FireWire cables. It can also be used with other portable audio devices, such as MP3 players, MiniDiscs, and CD players.

Price: $90

Value Rating: 8.5 / 10 - This speaker station provides very good sound quality for the money. It also has very good bass for a portable system.

Harman JBL On Stage iPod Docking Speaker System

Manufacturers Description: JBL's newest creation, On Stage is a revolution in personal sound for all iPods. The On Stage is a compact high performance sound system. Connected to your iPod, iPod mini, MP3 player or other music source, the On Stage will provide clean, powerful sound. Includes four adaptor sleeves to accommodate all iPod models.


Compatibility - The JBL On Stage is compatible with all versions of the iPod, including the iPod mini. A stereo mini jack connection also allows you to enjoy high quality audio from a variety of other devices such as MP3 and CD players, desktop computers (all platforms) and laptops. 230 Vac Europe

Easy-to-use Touch-controls - Touch Volume Control -- Just a touch increases or decrease the volume. A touch on both pads mutes or unmutes the system. JBL On Stage also remembers your last volume setting even after the system shuts down.

Transportable -- Bring your On Stage on the road for great sound where ever you go. The lightweight, compact sound station can provide full rich sound in any location.

Additional Features - OnePoint design -- The OnePoint iPod connectors provide the connection to your computer. Connect the standard iPod cable to the rear of the On Stage and every time you dock your iPod, you will have a connection for synchronizing and charging.

Price: $130

Value Rating: 8.0 / 10 - There have been some bugs reported by users, such as volume control problems and static at high volumes. However, they have great sound in the mid-ranges for sure, and are highly portable.

Altec Lansing INMOTION iPod Portable Speaker System

Manufacturers Description: You've got a gazillion hours of music stored on your iPod but until now, you've been the only one dancing. Introducing the Altec Lansing inMotion(TM) portable audio system. This tiny, ultra-portable, battery-operated stereo system is the first powered audio system designed exclusively for the iPod. A highly efficient Class D amplifier powers four full-range micro drivers to deliver a full spectrum of pure, distinct sound, while the revolutionary MaxxBass(TM) technology allows listeners to enjoy deep bass without lugging large speakers around. Best of all, connectivity is as easy as placing your iPod into the built-in dock or connecting it through the auxiliary port.


- Highly efficient digital amplifier (Class D) produces maximum power.

- High-performance, custom-designed neodymium Micro Drivers deliver crystal clear sound.

- Revolutionary MaxxBass® technology creates deep bass without a subwoofer.

- Built-in docking station provides same synchronization and data transfer options as your iPod dock (cable not included) and allows you to recharge your iPod.

- Extra long battery life delivers up to 24 hours of continuous playback with four AA batteries (not included).

- Lightweight design folds to close at 15 ounces and 8 inches wide, 5.4 inches deep and 1.2 inches thick.

- Convenient auxiliary input jack for connection with other audio devices, including laptops, older iPods, and other MP3 players (3.5mm stereo cable included).

- Elegant, integrated power and volume controls.

- Headphone jack for private listening.

Price: $120

Value Rating: 8.5 / 10 - An excellent overall iPod speaker system from Altec Lansing. Very nice stylish design and a great subwoofer.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

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