Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Use Horse Training Thinking To Solve Dang Near Any Problem With A Horse

Horse training can be a relatively mysterious subject to people who have not studied it. Even more mysterious is a behavioral problem a horse has that causes his owner stress and frustration.

What many horse owners don't understand is often the handler, not the horse, is causing the problem.

That being said, that is the first consideration in unscrambling the horse's ill behavior.

For instance, a common problem riders have is a horse being spooky. In layman's terms, that means a horse is nervous and afraid something is going to "get him". Thus, whenever the horse and owner go for a ride it's not usually a relaxing moment.

As a matter of fact, both horse and rider are on edge.

So if we take the premise that the rider is causing the horse to spook, then we must ask, "How is the rider causing this."

An uninformed rider may not be aware that perhaps he is sitting tensely in the saddle. Also, maybe he's stiff as a board and has a white-knuckle hold on the reins.

Believe it or not, the horse can sense and feel this tense. When the horse is in the habit of feeling it then the horse's spookiness is also the rider's.

Picture it like this. Two deathly scared kids are walking home at night. They both hear sounds and see things. One kid thinks he saw something and nervously asks, "D-d-d-did you see that?" Seconds later the other kid hears something and cries, "D-d-did you h-h-hear that?" Together they intensify each other's fears and their anxiety grows leaps and bounds.

So it is with the rider and horse. Maybe not to that extent, but still it happens.

And since the rider is human and capable of reasoning, then he or she must be the one to interrupt the pattern of behavior. The rider must loosen up while in the saddle. Relax. Have fun. Learn to watch the horse's signals that he has spotted something - and then talk to the horse and start giving him confidence.

Soon, the horse's demeanor will change and the result will be a more relaxed, fun to ride horse.

Whether the rider realizes it or not, he or she is training the horse by just riding. The horse simply reacts to the stimuli he gets. If the stimuli is consistent, the horse's reaction will become a habit until changed. If the stimuli is tense, causes fear reactions, and so on, the result is a spooky horse.

This is but one example of how us humans can actually be the reason the horse does or does not do something we ask of him. Although it's true that the rider is not the cause 100% of the time, it's a good place to start untangling the problem because it's often where it begins.

Rider Fitness - Targeted for Equestrians   How To Use Horse Training Thinking To Solve Dang Near Any Problem With A Horse   

Being A Mother And Enjoying Life?

Ever feel like you're being pulled in all directions at the same time? "That's what being a mother is", I've been told. Since returning to work after my son was born... I have fallen victim to the mother trap of feeling guilty about everything I do, don't do and want to do. That is not to say that my husband puts that guilt on me, not at all. He is great with our son and never has a problem with me going and doing 'my own thing" be it swimming, dinner with the girls or simply grocery shopping. That still does not take away from the fact that their is housework to do, a toddler to take care of and play with, and a job to go to.

The previous generation was that of women who did it all! They worked out of the house, took care of the family and house, and still seemed to have time for their own friends and activities, enjoying every minute... or did they?

Do you know how much sick time and stress leave has occurred simply because we expect too much from ourselves? In the last decade or so the trend does seem to be changing, I don't know if Oprah was the first or not to say publicly that Mothers in particular need to learn how to say "No" and take time for themselves... and not feel guilty about it!!! that is the key, not feeling guilty about it.

I've asked different mothers and observed others as well. I have seen that the ones who go for dinner with friends once a month, or play volleyball weekly, or have some sort of activity they are involved in that is only for them, these mothers are the ones who seem much more relaxed. Hmmm, must be something to it! In conversation with these women, you find that the wash may not be folded yet, or the dishwasher hasn't ran yet, or that they have a housecleaning service come in once or twice a month! Basically, they are not stressing or feeling guilty that those little things are not done.

So here it is, once again, because we have all heard this. Don't sweat the small stuff! Learn to enjoy those times you have for yourself. Yes you are a mother, that does not mean that you are a slave to the kitchen, laundry room or to your job outside of the house if you have one. Take the time to enjoy your family, friends and life, don't worry about the rest. Enjoy being a mother.

A Little Girl, Mother Daughter Relationship   Are You A Helicopter Parent?   Wanted Mom   Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   

What Makes The Best Breast Pump?

Examining the level of convenience that electric breast pumps offer moms, you may think that selecting one will be rather simple. Nonetheless, this is a huge misconception among first-time moms and it is just later when they recognize how tough of a choice it can be.

The manual pumps are easy to use and don't need electricity or batteries to utilize them. For that reason, this pump can be used anywhere. It is also lightweight and effortless to carry around in your purse, tote bag, or baby diaper bag. The hand-operated pump is best for mothers who only need to pump every once in awhile. Look into our manual breast pump evaluation page for more info on hand-operated breast pumps.

If you are an individual who is buying an electric breast pump for the 1st time or just thinking about purchasing a newer and far better one, remember these 5 elements that must help you make the right choice with ease.

While this must be you really 1st consideration, it is very important that you need to recognize exactly what and why you will require a breast pump first. You might have the cash to purchase an elegant electric pump however if you have no use of its functions, you will only be wasting big time and funds.

Contemplate exactly how much you will precisely spend for such tool, and then have a look at all its possibilities while even remembering you address the four initial questions above.

Even if you can conveniently spend lots of dollars, it might be bad wasting money for something that you do not really need. Spend some time reading some reviews of electric powered pumps that you like, identify their pros and disadvantages. If a large portion of consumers have actually said positive things about a particular breast pump, then there is a big possibility that it may do the exact same wonders for you.

Brand is an element that could be important to determine how excellent a particular item is. If it is something that is very known and suggested by respectable individuals and organizations, acquiring them should in some way provide you some reassurance. Nevertheless, you should not enable yourself to be easily influenced by brands. If it comes with a budget friendly price, holds attributes that you want, and have some great evaluations, do not wait to try it out, regardless of its brand.

Look for electric pumps that offer extra attributes and functions such as container stands, microwaveable pouches, bags, and car adaptors. Just keep in mind that not all extra features can easily relate to a good purchase.

A Little Girl, Mother Daughter Relationship   Are You A Helicopter Parent?   Wanted Mom   Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   What Kind of Flowers Should I Give My Mum on Mother's Day?   

Fujifilm FinePix A303 Digital Camera

Two years ago I purchased my first digital camera. At that time, prices for a 3.0 and higher mega pixel camera were around $350. Since then, as with all electronic gadgets, prices have dropped significantly while the mega pixels have gone up. I chose the Fujifilm's A303 digital camera, which has fared well for me, so permit me the opportunity to tell you why.

I desperately needed a digital camera when my web business took off. On many different occasions I found myself wanting to take a picture of a person, place or thing and having to rely on a 35mm camera. Trouble was I wasn't very good at taking pictures. Usually my subject came out blurry or the picture needed cropping. Yes, getting pictures developed on disk would have resolved the latter problem, but it was the former problem -- blurry pictures -- that was causing me the most grief. If only I could see "on the spot" how my picture turned out. If it turned out poorly, I could reshoot. Naturally, a digital camera presented to me something that no 35mm camera could offer; I made the purchase of a 3.2 mega pixel camera by Fujifilm after considerable shopping around and reading product reviews online.

Packed within a tough grey shell, the A303 is lightweight and can fit easily into your pant pockets. The camera's controls are simple to figure out and include a Menu/OK button, Back button, viewfinder, viewfinder lamp, a display buttion and LCD monitor to preview pictures without looking through the viewfinder or to review pictures already taken. A round dial in the back of the camera features a self timer mode where you can set the camera and ten seconds later have the picture go off. Great for when you want to get the entire family's picture and no one is around to take it. There are also close up modes, still image, playback and movie modes. The movie mode results in a fairly choppy and short film, but it is a neat feature to have nevertheless.

The standard camera comes equipped with a 16mb picture card. Most people will find that inadequate, so I paid a little bit extra and bought the 64mb upgrade. I also purchased rechargeable AA batteries -- it takes two -- and a recharger. You will sap your batteries quickly if you take 30-40 or more pictures at a time, so the recharger makes sense. I purchased the accompanying Fujifilm carrying case to house my other supplies.

Pictures come out clear and in two years of picture taking I have not experienced a single problem with the camera. At 3.2 mega pixels the pictures are more than adequate as virtually everything I do gets posted to the internet. Supposedly you do not need more mega pixels when posting/viewing pictures online. With the included USB cable and HP software, you will be uploading pictures to the internet in no time.

If there are any drawbacks with the A303 there is just one and it is a glaring problem: the time between shots can seem endless! I suppose the elapsed time is only about ten seconds, but it seems like an eternity especially compared to 35mm cameras. Technological improvements have closed the gap considerably with newer models, but if you need this camera to take a group of shots quickly you will be disappointed.

All in all, the A303 is a very good camera. I give it a 4-star rating for ease of use, price, and dependability.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

Fujifilm FinePix A303 Digital Camera

Two years ago I purchased my first digital camera. At that time, prices for a 3.0 and higher mega pixel camera were around $350. Since then, as with all electronic gadgets, prices have dropped significantly while the mega pixels have gone up. I chose the Fujifilm's A303 digital camera, which has fared well for me, so permit me the opportunity to tell you why.

I desperately needed a digital camera when my web business took off. On many different occasions I found myself wanting to take a picture of a person, place or thing and having to rely on a 35mm camera. Trouble was I wasn't very good at taking pictures. Usually my subject came out blurry or the picture needed cropping. Yes, getting pictures developed on disk would have resolved the latter problem, but it was the former problem -- blurry pictures -- that was causing me the most grief. If only I could see "on the spot" how my picture turned out. If it turned out poorly, I could reshoot. Naturally, a digital camera presented to me something that no 35mm camera could offer; I made the purchase of a 3.2 mega pixel camera by Fujifilm after considerable shopping around and reading product reviews online.

Packed within a tough grey shell, the A303 is lightweight and can fit easily into your pant pockets. The camera's controls are simple to figure out and include a Menu/OK button, Back button, viewfinder, viewfinder lamp, a display buttion and LCD monitor to preview pictures without looking through the viewfinder or to review pictures already taken. A round dial in the back of the camera features a self timer mode where you can set the camera and ten seconds later have the picture go off. Great for when you want to get the entire family's picture and no one is around to take it. There are also close up modes, still image, playback and movie modes. The movie mode results in a fairly choppy and short film, but it is a neat feature to have nevertheless.

The standard camera comes equipped with a 16mb picture card. Most people will find that inadequate, so I paid a little bit extra and bought the 64mb upgrade. I also purchased rechargeable AA batteries -- it takes two -- and a recharger. You will sap your batteries quickly if you take 30-40 or more pictures at a time, so the recharger makes sense. I purchased the accompanying Fujifilm carrying case to house my other supplies.

Pictures come out clear and in two years of picture taking I have not experienced a single problem with the camera. At 3.2 mega pixels the pictures are more than adequate as virtually everything I do gets posted to the internet. Supposedly you do not need more mega pixels when posting/viewing pictures online. With the included USB cable and HP software, you will be uploading pictures to the internet in no time.

If there are any drawbacks with the A303 there is just one and it is a glaring problem: the time between shots can seem endless! I suppose the elapsed time is only about ten seconds, but it seems like an eternity especially compared to 35mm cameras. Technological improvements have closed the gap considerably with newer models, but if you need this camera to take a group of shots quickly you will be disappointed.

All in all, the A303 is a very good camera. I give it a 4-star rating for ease of use, price, and dependability.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

Review of Apple iPod Speakers

The Apple iPod is by far the most popular portable digital music player in the world. As such, there are many accessories out there that can improve the iPod experience for certain users. Those that would like to hook up their iPod to real speakers (or those who are simply tired of headphones) have plenty of choices. Below you will find a few of our top picks for best Apple iPod speaker systems.

Logic3 I-Station iPod Dock and Speaker Station

Manufacturers Description: Listen, recharge, and synchronize your iPod or iPod Mini with the Logic3 i-Station docking connector. The i-Station produces hi-fi-quality sound by combining a subwoofer, dynamic tweeter speakers, and a 3D surround sound processor. Connecting your iPod to the i-Station is easy--just fit the iPod into the slot and away you go. The dock even recharges the iPod battery while it plays, letting you enjoy the music rather than worrying about the remaining battery power.

The i-Station's stylish design and compact size (it weighs only .88 pounds) lets this ultra-portable device fit unobtrusively in any room in your house while also stowing away easily. The unit is powered either by the supplied AC adaptor or four optional AA batteries, allowing listeners to use the device wherever they choose. The compact design even invites listeners to pack the device in a briefcase, backpack, or suitcase. The i-Station synchronizes with a PC or Mac via USB or FireWire cables. It can also be used with other portable audio devices, such as MP3 players, MiniDiscs, and CD players.

Price: $90

Value Rating: 8.5 / 10 - This speaker station provides very good sound quality for the money. It also has very good bass for a portable system.

Harman JBL On Stage iPod Docking Speaker System

Manufacturers Description: JBL's newest creation, On Stage is a revolution in personal sound for all iPods. The On Stage is a compact high performance sound system. Connected to your iPod, iPod mini, MP3 player or other music source, the On Stage will provide clean, powerful sound. Includes four adaptor sleeves to accommodate all iPod models.


Compatibility - The JBL On Stage is compatible with all versions of the iPod, including the iPod mini. A stereo mini jack connection also allows you to enjoy high quality audio from a variety of other devices such as MP3 and CD players, desktop computers (all platforms) and laptops. 230 Vac Europe

Easy-to-use Touch-controls - Touch Volume Control -- Just a touch increases or decrease the volume. A touch on both pads mutes or unmutes the system. JBL On Stage also remembers your last volume setting even after the system shuts down.

Transportable -- Bring your On Stage on the road for great sound where ever you go. The lightweight, compact sound station can provide full rich sound in any location.

Additional Features - OnePoint design -- The OnePoint iPod connectors provide the connection to your computer. Connect the standard iPod cable to the rear of the On Stage and every time you dock your iPod, you will have a connection for synchronizing and charging.

Price: $130

Value Rating: 8.0 / 10 - There have been some bugs reported by users, such as volume control problems and static at high volumes. However, they have great sound in the mid-ranges for sure, and are highly portable.

Altec Lansing INMOTION iPod Portable Speaker System

Manufacturers Description: You've got a gazillion hours of music stored on your iPod but until now, you've been the only one dancing. Introducing the Altec Lansing inMotion(TM) portable audio system. This tiny, ultra-portable, battery-operated stereo system is the first powered audio system designed exclusively for the iPod. A highly efficient Class D amplifier powers four full-range micro drivers to deliver a full spectrum of pure, distinct sound, while the revolutionary MaxxBass(TM) technology allows listeners to enjoy deep bass without lugging large speakers around. Best of all, connectivity is as easy as placing your iPod into the built-in dock or connecting it through the auxiliary port.


- Highly efficient digital amplifier (Class D) produces maximum power.

- High-performance, custom-designed neodymium Micro Drivers deliver crystal clear sound.

- Revolutionary MaxxBass® technology creates deep bass without a subwoofer.

- Built-in docking station provides same synchronization and data transfer options as your iPod dock (cable not included) and allows you to recharge your iPod.

- Extra long battery life delivers up to 24 hours of continuous playback with four AA batteries (not included).

- Lightweight design folds to close at 15 ounces and 8 inches wide, 5.4 inches deep and 1.2 inches thick.

- Convenient auxiliary input jack for connection with other audio devices, including laptops, older iPods, and other MP3 players (3.5mm stereo cable included).

- Elegant, integrated power and volume controls.

- Headphone jack for private listening.

Price: $120

Value Rating: 8.5 / 10 - An excellent overall iPod speaker system from Altec Lansing. Very nice stylish design and a great subwoofer.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format

It won't last too long until the third generation of DVD format to be unveiled. Your DVD player will play a well-performing disc with high-storage capacity. The upcoming Media-Tech Expo, Las Vegas, USA, will surely clarify this topical issue.

The upcoming Media-Tech Expo May 10-12, 2005 in Las Vegas, USA will be a crucial moment in deciding what DVD format will be the succesor of the actual DVDs. It will be HD-DVD? Or the Blu-ray Disk? Before the end of 2005, more likely in 2006, the standard format will be decided for good. The competition between the HD-DVD and Blu-ray is in full swing now.

The overwhelming increase of portable DVD players led to a even higher rise of DVDs industry. In 2003, almost 4 billion prerecorded DVDs were produced. This number is calculated to increase to 7 billion in 2006. The same for recordable DVDs market: DVD±R, DVD±RW. While in 2003 just 908 million disks were produced, it is estimated a double growth rate in 2004 (and about 4 billion estimated in 2006).

This year edition, from Frankfurt, manufacturing technology for the third generation of optical storage media has been debated. More than 1,400 people joined 2004 edition. At upcoming 2005 edition, concepts for replication lines and single components for the manufacturing of HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc will be introduced. Media-Tech Expo is the leading annual tradeshow for the media manufacturing industry.

As for these two vying formats, both use a blue laser (contrary to red laser for DVDs). The blue laser has a shorter wavelength leading to finer signal markings on the optical media. Moreover, a shorter wavelength, associated with advanced compression process, prompts a higher storage capacity. Whereas HD-DVD holds 30 gigabytes, Blu-ray holds 50 gigabytes on a double-layer disc.

Professional video industry is one of the most prosperous. Not surprisingly, engineers and manufacturing professionals, producers, video and audio professionals, web developers, broadcasters, directors, DVD authors, editors, graphic artists, gather on annual worldwide electronics and digital video exhibitions to learn the newly techniques, technologies, capabilities, advantages related to their industry. There are seven major exhibitions: DV-Expo, Mediacast, DVD Europe, DVD Replication Exhibition, DVD Summit - Midle East Asia, Media-Tech, Production-Show.

Encountering The Third Generation of DVD Format   Review of Apple iPod Speakers   LCD Vs DLP Projectors   

Delayed Stroke Diagnosis

There are certain instances when the speed of a diagnosis can have a major impact on a patient's survivability. Specifically, stroke victims are often in a perilous state of losing permanent brain functions without immediate treatment, if not losing life-supporting functions from brain cell damage altogether. Failure to diagnose this loss or lack of blood to the brain can either be the result of a careless hospital staff, or may be the result of an untrained medical staff member.

As immediate treatment has been recognized as a major factor in improving later brain functionality, there are many different quick diagnosis methods. Although physicians may apply a larger process that asks more questions or requests more testing, there is a very simple system of checking for a stroke that is based on the acronym F.A.S.T. This stands for face, arms, speech, and time. This system describes the loss of nerve function in the face and the arms, the tell-tale slurred speech, and ends with a call to action that it is time to call for an emergency responder.

With so many symptoms that are largely common in strokes, it should not be a major problem for a healthcare professional to note the appearance of this extremely dangerous condition. Time spent not receiving treatment for this disorder can result in an increase in brain damage from loss of blood circulation.

The final part of diagnosing a stroke is using brain imaging devices such as CT or MRI scans. While the actual diagnosis work comes from clinical tests and questionnaires, these scanner images can help determine the source of the stroke, as well as provide an idea of how much brain tissue has been compromised by the event.

For more information regarding the necessity of a prompt diagnosis and what legal action may follow a failure to provide such services, contact a medical malpractice attorney.

Contributing Factors in a Stroke   A Brief Talking About Medical Claims   Delayed Heart Attack Diagnosis   Steps Involved For Proper Medical Compensation Claims   Dangerous Birth Injuries   Compensation for Birth Injuries   

Why Resorts Are the Best Getaway Option

Sometimes the best way to deal with all the stresses and complications that life brings is to get away and go somewhere serene and quiet. Finding the right place may not be easy at first what with all the ads about getaway location and spots but it gets easier if you know what exactly you are looking for and narrow your search down to resorts. Many people often look for hotels when they need a holiday but the truth is that resorts offer far much better terms than hotels. Here are a few reasons why.

Serenity and seclusion

Resort owners often pay a lot of attention to detail especially when it comes to location and the general environment. You will almost never find a resort located in a noisy, busy Central Business District. The environment is usually very serene and pristinely preserved with several trees, bird life, animals in some cases, water bodies and many more natural elements that are relaxing to be around. This is exactly the kind of environment one needs for a perfect getaway. Getting away means leaving behind all the noise and haste of city life and retreating into a peaceful existence if only for a day. Resorts are just the place for this.

Wide variety of options

If you are searching for a place to have fun with family, friends or even strangers you will never fail to find a resort with just the right activity for you. It is also the same if what you are looking for is a quiet place to go and meditate or finish writing your book. Resorts are available for all kinds and groups of people. Romance is not left out either. A resort is the perfect place to go with a loved one just before a proposal or just to be away from everyone else in your life. Hotels can do but you will always be running into lots of people, children and the location may just not be right. The strategic placing and design of holiday resorts allows for several activities such as skiing, swimming, fishing, kayaking or even rock climbing. All these are very healthy activities that resorts offer you.

Affordability and convenience

Many people imagine that resorts are very expensive to stay at for a couple of days especially when compared to hotels and maybe camping spots. The truth however is that with resorts you can end up saving a whole lot of money. This is because most resorts come 'fully equipped' with all the amenities you might desire. A hotel will offer you a pool, perhaps a spa, gymnasium and other facilities along these lines. However if you want to go on a nature trail or hiking you have to go to a different location and pay more money to get into a place with these activities. Resorts are strategically placed to include these activities for guests at no extra charge.

Wholesome experience

Staying at resorts offers you the chance to have a more wholesome experience. You get a taste of everything you can possibly get at several hotels without having to move around from one place to another.

Central Greece or Kentriki Ellada Is The Most Mythical And Mountainous Region In All Of Greece

This is the most mythical and mountainous regions in all of Greece. It has been inhabited since the most distant historical past, after all, the mythical city of Thebes is located here, and the greatest ancient writers of Greece, Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus were so inspired by this land that they wrote the most dramatic and tragic poetry about it. Also, the famous Oracle of Delphi is here, where throughout antiquity Greeks arrived to seek advice from the gods and to worship their presence in their lives. And to this day, modern tourists will travel the same route to the region, though for other reasons.

All the great ancient battles have been fought in this very region, such as the Battle of Thermopylae, which the ancient historian Herodotus described in detail. The name Thermopylae is taken from the hot springs in the area and Central Greece is known for its natural hot springs which attract thousands of health-minded visitors each year.

Some of the most brilliant personalities of ancient Greece were from the regions of Central Greece, including the poets Hesiod and Pindar, the Theban statesmen Epaminondas and Pelopidas, and the historian Plutarch.

Because of its geographical location, Central Greece, enjoys a variable climate which is dry and alpine in the mountains and mild and Mediterranean on the coastal areas. The landscape is full of the most diverse surprises, full of wavering contours and thick green slopes covered in pine and oak and poplar trees. Interspersed between the mountains are crystal clear streams of water. The landscape seems to be forever changing with mountains becoming plateaus, streams becoming lakes and bays, and rugged terrain becoming peaceful and idyllic.

The region of Central Greece is often dismissed by first-time visitors to Greece, who will choose destinations that are much more popular, and better advertised, tourist attractions, such as the Cycladic islands. But Central Greece is evocative and offers excellent facilities for tourists, as well as unsurpassed natural beauty, the most varied landscape, opportunities for ecological tourism and sporting tourism, and, of course, a history that cannot be met by other regions.

In Central Greece, there are five prefectures, each with their own unique character, and all of which are perfect choices for both summer and winter holidays. These are Etoloakatnania, Evritania, Fokida, Fthiotida, Viotia.


Etoloakarnania is situated on the western part of the region and combine the beauty of mountains and the sea. The historic Messolonghi is its capital. Here marks the spot of the great revolutionary battle for the War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire, where locals resisted a Turkish siege and battled until they could no longer and, exhausted, they left the city in the "Exodus of its Guards." The city was since crowned as a Sacred City (Irea Poli) for the brave stance against the Ottomans, and even the poet Lord Byron had struggled with them in their battle for independence and finally died there.

As such, Messolonghi is full of the history that documents the beginnings of modern Greece, which can be viewed at the Museum of the History and the Art of the Holy City of Messolonghi.

Apart from history and the picturesque city, the greater landscape is covered with woody and green trees and there is the pleasant sound of running water throughout. And then, other surprises, such as the historical 17th century monastery of Agios Simeon, again a place of battle and siege. But there are idyllic getaways here too, such as the north-western islands of Etoliko and Astakos, two thriving summer resorts with folkloric town centres. There are endless beaches here at Agios Yorgis, Asprogiali and Vela and the coastline continues through to Mitikas, where there are some idyllic fishing villages and more beaches.

For a taste of a bustling central city, Agrinio is modern and practical, but with limited picturesque appeal. But Agrinio is interesting for its tobacco-producing industry, making it a rich city with good facilities for travellers, as well as an archaeological museum, and a panoramic view of the city from the hill at Agios Christoforos.

There are Byzantine monuments in Angelokastro, Venetian monuments in Nafpaktos, and the landscape around the Aheloos Lake is stunning and a perfect destination for travellers with an environmental conscience.


This prefecture of often called the "Greek Switzerland" for its Alpine climate, thick woody mountains and rich waters. Karpenissi, the renowned ski-centre, is the prefecture's capital, and Mount Timfristos hovers over the landscape with its imposing altitude of 960 meters. Karpenissi has excellent facilities for tourists, especially for those with winter skiing in mind, and plentiful restaurants, cafés and tavernas, where cheeses, goat cheese and grilled feta especially, are specialities.

There's the impressive church of Agia Triada (Holy Trinity) and the historic mansions of Korishades, and ancient ruins, quite possibly the remains of Oichalia, the ancient capital of Evritania.

Two great summer vacations in the prefecture can be had at Mikro Horio, which literally means "small village" or Megalo Horio, "large village." The beauty of these areas lies in the natural surroundings, which are full of orchards and forests, but also in the relics and monuments of the Byzantine era, the church of Agios Athanassios, for example, or the monastery of the Virgin Proussiotissa, which was built in 1754 and is renowned for its icons and woodcarving craftsmanship. A museum in honour of the War of Independence hero Karaiskakis is also interesting to visit.

In Proussos, a village which rises to a height of 800 metres, there is a lesser known oracle at the Black Cave or "Apokleistra." There are numerous churches scattered throughout the prefecture and background reading on the Byzantine period of Greece will make them all the more interesting to see.

A fascinating and remote village is Agrafa, which is buried in snow during the winter months, but in the summer it is a great destination for the fisherman who fish at the Agrafiotis River.


Fokida (or Phocis) is a luscious area known for its olive groves, but also for its beaches. Amfissa is the capital here, with varied architecture of Byzantine and Frankish elements. The Folk Art Museum has an interesting exhibit that documents the local Roumeli traditions. Of course, the big tourist attraction in the area is Delphi, for the Oracle of Apollo, the mythical mountain of Parnassos. the Phaedriades rocks, and the Gulf of Itea.

The atmosphere at Delphi is truly magical, what with the sanctuary of Athena, the ruins of the Apollo temple, the Gymnasium, the Stadium, the fourth-century theatre, and the museum which exhibits all the important artefacts found in the area, such as the famous fifth-century bronze statue of the Charioteer. This is truly the "Navel of the World."

Apart from ancient past, the area is a friendly one for tourists seeking relaxation and sun. The beaches on the Itea coast are stunning and the best thing in these regions is that sandy beaches are lined with luscious green and woody forests. The seaside town of Itea is a flourishing commercial centre with many facilities for tourists, while the harbour at Galaxidi, to Itea's west, is full of action on the seafront with the best seafood tavernas in the region. For a the history buffs, there's a worthy Archaeological and Naval Museum here with exhibits documenting the War of Independence and its battles, amongst other things. Easter is always a good time to be in Galaxidi, because locals here are faithful to both the spiritual traditions of the Greek Orthodox church and the pagan traditions of their ancestors.


Again you will find mountains and beaches here, just the perfect combination of idyllic and rugged terrain. There are numerous summer resorts in the area, but you may find yourself drawn to the mountains instead. Best of all in the area are the thermal springs, excellently organised with good facilities for tourists. These healthy springs renowned for their therapeutic powers are located at Ypati, Kamena Vourla, and Platystomo. Greeks flock to them for their yearly dose of nutrients and if you are travelling in the area, they are a must.

Lamia is the capital of the prefecture and it is a busy city, with its public squares and imposing municipal buildings, which is built into the stunning mountain slopes of Mount Othris. The skyline is dominated by the castle on the acropolis, and also by the church of Agios Loukas, which was built in the 18th century. There is an excellent museum in the area, which includes artefacts that document the prehistoric era of the country all the way through to the Classical and Hellenistic periods.

The legendary Thermopylae is only 18 kilometres south-east of Lamia. You can see the statue of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, testament to the heroic battle over 2000 years ago. The name of the city refers to the ancient thermal springs there, which are popular to this day, attracting hundreds of visitors each year.

For a perfect summer vacation, there are numerous coastal towns, such as Agios Konstantinos and Arkitsa, with the best beaches in the area, Aspronero, Agios Serafim and Agios Nikolaos. Blending Byzantine history and beach culture is the beach at Livanates with its Agios Theodoros church in the background. Of more historical interest are the Agios Athanassios catacombs near the town of Atalanti, and the archaeologically rich area of Elatia and Tithorea. The last stop in this prefecture must be Ypati, or Ipati, and not just for its famous spas or loutra, but for its historical interest and the 15th century Agathonos Monastery.

Viotia or Boeotia

Viotia is the region where you will find the best ski resort in all of Greece at Mount Parnassos and the ski town of Arahova, the mythological river of Lethe (Forgetfulness) and Mnemosyne (Memory) in Livadia, the Oracle of Zeus Trophonios, the medieval castle of Profitis Ilias, and even Plutarch's birthplace in Chaironia.

The capital of the prefecture is Livadia, situated snugly between two mounts and the gorge of Erkina. The climate is Mediterranean and dry and the landscape is mainly bare and dry, with few lush and fertile areas in the region.

There is, however, much archaeological interest in the area, such as the Church of the Dormition of the Virgin in Orhomenos, a 9th century Byzantine church. In Orhomenos there are many ruins, including a tomb of the Mycenaean age, temples, and an amphitheatre. For a more folkloric appeal, visit Arahova, even if you don't intend to ski. This little village seems timeless and static, and a great place to see folkloric Greece and to buy traditional handcrafted items, such as rugs, bags, fabrics, as well as, fresh and homegrown produce. Of course, you can't go very far without more history and archaeology and this is what happens only 10 kilometres from Arahova at Distomo (Two-mouthed), another historic town which also had a brave appearance in the War of Independence. Here you should definitely visit the most famous of the Byzantine monasteries in the area, the 11th century Ossios Loukas, known for the divine mosaics and frescoes.

But the real gem of Viotia, lies in ancient Thebes. Visit the archaeological museum, see the Mycenaean tombs, the temple of Apollo and the fountain of Oedipus. And simply enjoy the atmosphere of the land that inspired the dramatic and tragic stories of Oedipus and Antigone, written by Greece's best tragedians, Sophocles and Euripides. Their stories will linger with you even after you have concluded your visit to Thebes and Central Greece. For they are the essence of this country of the mountain and the sea, the myth and the legend, the spiritual and the pagan.

Top 5 Questions For Those Injured On The Job

California injured workers face an uphill battle in their workers compensation cases ever since the work comp reforms of 2004 and 2012. Without a workers compensation attorney, the deck is stacked against the injured worker. There are many questions facing an injured worker, however I will narrow them down to five for this work comp article. These are the questions which generally come up in the early stages of a workers comp case.

How will I pay my bills while I'm on work comp? If you've been injured at work and are temporarily unable to return to work because of your workers compensation injury, you may be entitled to workers compensation benefits. If your work injury case is accepted by the insurance company, you will receive temporary disability benefits. Workers comp temporary disability benefits range from a minimum of $206.17 to $1010.30 as of 2012. Work comp temporary disability is not related based on two thirds of your average weekly wage. If your claim is denied or on delay, your workers compensation attorney can help you collect state disability insurance while your workers comp claim is being litigated. All California workers pay into the state disability system unless you have a private short-term or long-term disability policy.

The employers work comp doctor says nothing is wrong with me, what do I do? Early in most workers comp cases the injured worker will see an industrial medical doctor. Most of these doctors work for the employer and insurance company directly. In order to get repeat work comp business, they must do their bidding. Think about it, they only have to deal with the injured worker once but have to deal with the insurance company forever. A work injury lawyer can assess the opinion of that first doctor and how it relates to your workers compensation injury. If you are not receiving the upper level of work comp care, a knowledgeable workers compensation attorney can direct you to a work injury doctor who will properly assess your workers compensation injury. Most work comp insurance companies have medical provider networks which are complicated to navigate. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you through this.

I received a list of three doctors in the mail from the state, what do I do? If you do not have a workers comp attorney you will be required to use a doctor from a state panel. Unless you have years of regional workers compknowledge this is a dangerous prospect for you as the lists are full of defense oriented workers compensation physicians. If the insurance company objects to the findings of your work injury physician or you ask for a panel of doctors, immediately seek the advice of a work injury attorney before you pick a doctor on that list. Once you have seen a doctor on that list and you do not have an attorney, you're stuck with that doctor's opinion. Before you see a doctor on that list, seek the advice of an experienced local work comp attorney first.

The workers compensation insurance company says I have a work comp injury but I get no disability money? Often times the insurance company's doctor will find that you have an injury that gives you little or no disability. A workers compensation lawyer can help you obtain a second opinion within the workers compensation insurance company medical provider network as you are entitled to three opinions within that network. A work injury attorney can also help you obtain an opinion to and including medical examiner for a state panel qualified medical evaluator.

I have a work comp injury but received a denial letter from the workers compensation insurance company, what do I do? If your claim is denied, the insurance company will not be paying you any work comp benefits unless the situation changes. You can litigate your work comp case yourself, but I would advise against it unless you happen to be a workers compadjuster or have similar years of knowledge. If your claim is denied, it is considered essentially worthless by the insurance company. So by hiring an experienced local workers comp attorney or personal injury attorney you have nowhere to go but up. A work injury lawyer can obtain medical evidence you are going to need in court to find that denial or negotiate a fair settlement.

Members' Voluntary Liquidation Vs De-registration   Guide to Oklahoma Workers Compensation Benefits   Labor Unions   Are All Your Workers Correctly Insured Under Workcover?   Are You Entitled to Law Enforcement Officer Retirement?   Workers' Compensation Rights - Understanding Employers and Employees Workers' Compensation Rights   

Free Forum Creation Tips - Target a Niche

So you created your new free forum. That's fantastic! You are on your way to having a big thriving community of your very own. But where to start? You have no members, no boards, and no threads. It's a big empty space without relevant content or visual appeal. Well, at least you have already chosen what your forum is going to be about. Right? If you don't already know what your forum's overarching theme is, then you should probably figure that out right now before continuing. Be sure to choose a relevant subdomain when you create your free forum as well.

No matter what topic you have chosen for your free forum, whether it be cars, wrestling, or a support group for cancer patients, you should target a niche. Many new forums fail because they aim to tackle broad topics. This may have worked when the internet was still relatively new, but nowadays there is just too much competition. In order to grab a piece of the pie, you are going to have to start small and go after something with much less competition to have a chance. To do this, you will need to target a niche.

By targeting a niche topic on your free forum, you cut down the amount of competition because the big guys (other forums and websites) already dominate the broad subjects, but are too big to cover everything, including the smaller and possibly off-beat topics. If you can bring something unique to the table, you will attract more users and they are bound to be much more dedicated to the topic because your forum is so specialized. For example, if you want to have a forum about cars, a niche topic might be a specific maker, such as Subaru. You may even choose to become even more specialized by dedicating your free forum to a specific model as well, such as the Subaru WRX.

The idea is that you want to get your foot in the door. If you want to get into a topic (cars), it will be a lot easier to do so by leveraging a niche topic (Subaru WRX) with much less competition. Creating content (boards, threads, posts, etc) and visual appeal for your forum will also come a lot easier. Keep all this in mind when you first create your free forum and things will go a lot smoother.

Start small, target a niche, and once you have a big enough following you can begin to expand your free forum's scope by adding more niche topics.

Are Forums the Best Way to Build Email Lists?   Discover How Online Discussion Forums Drive Traffic and Boost Site SEO   What Is A Crossposting?   3 Step Process To Get Highly Targeted Leads Every Day From Multiple Forums   

Internet Forums to Build Online Business and Get Web Traffic

Internet forums are a convenient platform for exchanging ideas by people from different ends of the world. Online forums usually bring people with common interests together. Internet entrepreneurs can benefit immensely from internet forums. By joining industry forums or relevant consumer advocacy forums, you can stay up to date with current trends, new regulatory requirements as well as capture customer discontent before it spirals out of control. They can also be used to generate more web traffic to your site or blog.

The information one can gain from such forums can prove to be a game changing advantage over the competition. Other than product and industry specific forums, one should also join internet marketing, search engine optimization and other similar forums that may provide ideas on how to push one's product in the market and thus grow your revenues.

Entrepreneurs can gain from the diverse audience on such forums ranging from suppliers and software developers, to business owners and students. Of course, not every internet forum has the same dynamics. Online business owners must identify the forums that have the most informative content and where the competence of the participants makes it difficult for inaccurate information to be bandied around.

A good internet forum will usually catch wind of new product releases and new legislation before it hits the larger internet use space. It also allows for robust debate on the merits and demerits of particular market developments with proponents and opponents free to air their view on a given product. All this serves as a powerful point of verification for new business owners who may be prone to easily falling into internet scams. Through the forums, entrepreneurs can get specific recommendations.

Joining internet forums helps the online entrepreneur keep in touch with other entrepreneurs both in the same industry and those in other industries. New business owners can learn from more experienced entrepreneurs as well as pick up tips from competitors.

In addition, online entrepreneurs can market their own product and website on such forums and gain more web traffic. The best way to do that is through a passive marketing such as placing a link to their site as part of their profile signature. Hard selling tactics hardly work on internet forums and any attempt to hard sell will often see one's product ignored or subjected to negative analysis.

One can also use the forums as a place to bounce off ideas on members of the forum before executing a particular strategy or launching a new product. However, this must be done with some subtlety so that the advantage is not lost to competitors that may be regular visitors to the forum.

Note that one is not limited to joining just one forum - online entrepreneurs can join as many as will serve their interest. This offers a more divers pool of ideas and opinions that would then help the entrepreneur to make an informed decision. That said, one should not spread themselves too thin by participating in too many forums.

Are Forums the Best Way to Build Email Lists?   Ways to Make Money Online: Get Paid to Answer Questions   What Is A Crossposting?   3 Step Process To Get Highly Targeted Leads Every Day From Multiple Forums   

The One Forum Marketing Strategy You Will Ever Need

A great way to reach your potential customer is through forum marketing, the following article will provide you with the one forum marketing strategy that you will ever need for your business. Whilst the environment is of the internet is ever changing, what will always stay the same is people looking for information and help relating to a specific topic. Help people out and build a connection with them at the same time by forum marketing.

One of the major reasons that people come online is to find information on a specific subject that will improve whatever it is they want to do e.g. lose weight or to make life easier in a certain area e.g. make more sales for their business. Online forums are one of the biggest areas that people congregate whilst looking for information. Two examples of online forums are the Warrior Forum for internet marketers and the Rich Dad forum for those seeking investment and financial advice.

As a business owner you have a chance to enter in to a forum and start to interact with people, and help them in their quest to improve or make life easier, whatever it is they want to do. You can create a user name and profile, log into the forum and start interacting with people straight away. When you create your signature link within your profile you will have a chance to include a link to your website. When someone looks at your post they may decide to click on your link and be taken through to the destination of your choice, usually your own website.

So what is the one forum marketing strategy that I will ever need?

The answer to this is simple really and that is to provide value to your prospects. By value I mean quality information that will genuinely help someone to succeed. By posting a good quality response to a person's questions they will immediately begin to connect with you because you offered good quality information that was of BENEFIT TO THEM. This is extremely important as it sets the first phase of the sales relationship into action. People buy from those they know like and trust, the very fact that you have taken the time out to help people will instantly a) position you as some sort of expert and b) start to create a connection.

The above information is the only one forum marketing strategy you will ever need. There is no need to enter into a forum and start spamming your link all over the place in an effort to try and get people to click through to your website, that just offends people and will probably see you kicked out of the forum. Just be sure that the forum you enter into is related to your niche or business, for example if you are a financial advisor financial or investment forums are the place for you to be networking.

I hope this information has been of use to you and will help you build your business. To find out more strategies as simple as the above that you can use to enhance your business starting today, please visit the link below.

Are Forums the Best Way to Build Email Lists?   Is USENET Good for News?   4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales   What People Need to Know About a Forum Posting Service   

Internet Marketing Discussion Forum - Are They Useful?

Many people engage in online forums these days but is it just idle chat or do they really offer some value? Let's use an internet marketing discussion forum as a study.

Generally we join a forum to learn and share information on a topic that we have a common interest in or want to learn more about.

In an internet marketing discussion forum you can certainly ask questions and discuss matters related to internet marketing. This can be very valuable and you will gain a lot of knowledge. If you're stuck with a technical problem it's likely someone will be able to help sort out the problem so you can move forward.

There is always new products coming on the market and there is a great opportunity to ask others if the have tried them and are they worth investing in. This could save you a lot of money. By discussing the merits and shortfalls of a product you can realise if it will in fact suit your purpose.

There's the opportunity that you may be able to talk with someone who is interested in doing a joint venture with you. Many friends and business colleagues have met online.

I've often noticed on an internet marketing discussion forum that there is a section where you can promote a product or service to the group as well as being able to add a promotional signature to your posts. This can be a great way to find targeted customers as you know already that they are interested in online marketing.

Here are some of the topics that get discussed in internet marketing forums:

Advertising Article writing Search engine optimisation Website creation Email marketing Product creation Finding a Niche What to sell Keyword research Planning a campaign Blogging Website design Back linking and many many more subjects.

An often unexpected result of joining in on a discussion forum is that you after a while of receiving valuable advice from others in the group you want to start giving back and helping others that have come along and need support.

This is a great feeling and the more active you are in the forum the more you will get out of it yourself. You get a sense of "I don't have to struggle with this on my own", that there is support there for you. All you have to do is ask.

I have been a member of an internet marketing discussion forum since 2008 and consider it a cornerstone of my learning and success. Why don't you join me there and see for yourself the incredible range of topics and support that is available to you?

Are Forums the Best Way to Build Email Lists?   What Is A Crossposting?   3 Step Process To Get Highly Targeted Leads Every Day From Multiple Forums   Discover How Online Discussion Forums Drive Traffic and Boost Site SEO   How To Use A Forum To Increase Your Website's Traffic   

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